Professional CORONAVIRUS Decontamination Services
Keeping the Community Clean & Open
We kill 99.999% of ALL Viruses & COVID

Based in the Catskill Mountains, New York
Professional CORONAVIRUS Decontamination Services
Keeping the Community Clean & Open
We kill 99.999% of ALL Viruses & COVID
Based in the Catskill Mountains, New York
If your Business/School has an employee or Customer/Student who is infected, Clean Mountain can efficiently decontaminate your entire space/facility in just minutes thus allowing your business to get back up and
running safely and quickly.
Our Earth Safe Chemicals are used in hospitals, nursing homes and child care facilities. They are safe for commercial or
residential use.
Clean Mountain offers contracts for daily or weekly decontamination services. We clean Daily: Banks, ATM Machines, Gas Stations, Pharmacies, Retail Stores, Doctors Offices, Waiting Rooms and more.
We are certified bio-hazardous site specialists. Our team has been trained to follow CDC decontamination guidelines and to use EPA approved EarthSafe solutions. Clean Mountain is committed to helping keep our community safe and clean of COVID-19 and other contaminants while helping keep your business open.
Clean Mountain will work with your organization to create a custom STAY OPEN program to meet your specific needs.
We are based in Hunter New York and service the Catskill, Hudson Valley, and the Capital Region of New York State. We pride ourselves on getting to you quickly and getting the job done efficiently so you can get back to work.
Electrostatic charged droplets create a field in the spray plume that is magnetically drawn to any surface within 6 feet. The electrostatic force field is so powerful that the plume reverses direction to coat hidden and hard to reach surfaces typically which would be missed by fogging, misting, and wiping methods.
(Which is better?)
Electrostatic Sprayers that are used by Clean Mountain and are a proven technology that provides a better delivery of disinfectant products to surfaces, especially vertical surfaces to which the disinfectants have no natural ability to adhere. Electrostatic sprayers enable an effective, and efficient disinfecting and sanitizing application. Clean Mountains sprayers are designed to save time and labor, spray less liquid, and cover more surfaces, making your service fast an efficient. The positively charged droplets create an even spread on the sprayed surfaces helping the disinfecting and sanitizing solution adhere to surfaces and objects. The atomized particles hold a charge which allows the disinfecting solution to become attracted to all negative surfaces, covering the visible area, underside, and backside which covers hard to reach surfaces and hidden places. Electrostatic charged spraying allows the disinfectant to wrap conductive surfaces. We also do not need to come back and wipe off the EarthSafe solution we just let it dry naturally which equates to less waste, and quicker service time.
ULV Foggers are best used with non-toxic products. ULV Foggers are used to treat open areas where vertical surfaces and the wrap around effect of the Electrostatic Sprayer are not necessary. However the big difference between the two types of application is ULV droplets do not get small enough in droplet size to get the best penetration and permeation into cracks and crevices, and in most cases the chemicals must be wiped off after the fogging or misting application. The fogger can lay down a large amount of moisture and damage some delicate surfaces from the volume of moisture and length of time it must stay moist on the surface.
The Laboratory Results Show:
The virus mortality rate is shown to be greater with an Electrostatic Sprayer:
Electrostatic Sprayer 75% - 100%
Non-electrostatic Fogger/Mister at 63.3% - 73.5%
When you add our EarthSafe solutions with a 99.999% kill rate in a 1 minute time frame with our Electrostatic Spraying Application System you can see how this is by far the best way to decontaminate any space. This information is incredibly important to help us prevent outbreaks and keep our community safe.
Clean Mountain uses:
CDC & EPA Approved N-List Decontamination Solutions.
To Kill SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
We are based in the Catskills near Hunter Mountain, New York.
Lexington, New York, United States
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